Thomas Aquinas Quotes

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100+Thomas Aquinas Quotes: 100 Insights into Faith, Reason, and Life

Thomas Aquinas was one of the most influential philosophers and theologians in the history of Western thought. His works, particularly the Summa Theologica, explored the relationship between faith and reason, the nature of God, and human morality. Aquinas’ teachings remain relevant, and his quotes continue to offer wisdom and insight. This blog compiles 100 of Thomas Aquinas’ best quotes, organized in tables for easy reading.

Who Was Thomas Aquinas?

Born in 1225 in Italy, Thomas Aquinas was a Dominican friar whose work profoundly impacted Christian philosophy. He integrated Aristotle’s philosophy with Christian doctrine, helping to shape the intellectual tradition of the Catholic Church. His writings provide answers to questions about faith, ethics, and human nature, making him a key figure in both religious and philosophical studies.

This collection of quotes covers various themes, including faith, reason, love, truth, and virtue. Let’s dive into these timeless insights.

Table 1: Thomas Aquinas Quotes on Faith

# Quote
1 “To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible.”Thomas Aquinas Quotes
2 “Faith has to do with things that are not seen and hope with things that are not at hand.”
3 “The things that we love tell us what we are.”
4 “We can’t have full knowledge all at once. We must start by believing; then afterwards we may be led on to master the evidence for ourselves.”
5 “Faith is the beginning of all good works.”
6 “Faith is a habit of the mind, whereby eternal life is begun in us.”
7 “Believing is an act of the intellect assenting to the divine truth by command of the will.”
8 “Charity is the form, mover, mother, and root of all virtues.”
9 “The light of faith makes us see what we believe.”
10 “It is better to illuminate than merely to shine, to deliver to others contemplated truths than merely to contemplate.”

Table 2: Thomas Aquinas Quotes on Reason and Knowledge

# Quote
11 “Reason in man is rather like God in the world.”Thomas Aquinas Quotes
12 “The study of philosophy is not that we may know what men have thought, but what the truth of things is.”
13 “The highest manifestation of life consists in this: that a being governs its own actions.”
14 “The truth of our faith becomes a matter of ridicule among the infidels if any Catholic, not gifted with the necessary scientific learning, presents as dogma what scientific scrutiny shows to be false.”
15 “All men naturally desire knowledge.”
16 “Wonder is the desire of knowledge.”
17 “Man’s mind may perceive truth only through thinking.”
18 “To know a thing is to know its cause.”
19 “There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship.”
20 “The first step to understanding is humility.”

Table 3: Thomas Aquinas Quotes on God and Creation

# Quote
21 “God is not moved by love for something outside of himself but by love for himself.”Thomas Aquinas Quotes
22 “God is the first cause of all effects.”
23 “God alone satisfies.”
24 “Creatures came into existence when the key of love opened his hand.”
25 “God is in all things, but not as part of their substance.”
26 “It is fitting that God alone should fully possess every perfection.”
27 “The ultimate end of all creatures is not to be found in this world.”
28 “God governs all things immediately.”
29 “All creatures, whether human or angelic, have the same goal, which is the enjoyment of God.”
30 “God’s will is the cause of things, but there is no cause of God’s willing.”

Table 4: Thomas Aquinas Quotes on Love and Charity

# Quote
31 “Love takes up where knowledge leaves off.”Thomas Aquinas Quotes
32 “The essence of love is to will the good of another.”
33 “To love is to will the good of the other.”
34 “The greatest love one can have is for God.”
35 “Love is born of an earnest consideration of the object loved.”
36 “Love follows knowledge.”
37 “Charity brings peace.”
38 “There can be no joy in living without love.”
39 “Perfect love holds no account of good deeds.”
40 “Love is stronger than death.”

Table 5: Thomas Aquinas Quotes on Virtue and Morality

# Quote
41 “Virtue is a good habit consonant with our nature.”Thomas Aquinas Quotes
42 “The highest perfection of human life consists in the mind of man being detached from care for temporal things.”
43 “The moral virtue is the outcome of habit.”
44 “Justice is a habit whereby a man renders to each one his due by a constant and perpetual will.”
45 “Prudence is right reason in action.”
46 “Temperance is simply a disposition of the mind which binds the passions.”
47 “Fortitude is the virtue of bearing difficulties.”
48 “There is no greater act of love than to guide someone away from sin.”
49 “Mercy is a compassionate heart which moves us to help another.”
50 “Humility is the foundation of all virtues.”

Table 6: Thomas Aquinas Quotes on Happiness and the Human Condition

# Quote
51 “Happiness is secured through virtue; it is a good attained by man’s own will.”Thomas Aquinas Quotes
52 “Man’s ultimate happiness consists in the contemplation of truth.”
53 “Perfect happiness is not attainable in this life.”
54 “No man can live without joy.”
55 “Happiness is found in living virtuously.”
56 “The soul is in the body, not as contained by it, but as containing it.”
57 “The highest good is that which is most desired, and that is God.”
58 “There is a natural desire for knowledge in all men.”
59 “True happiness is to rejoice in the truth.”
60 “No man can escape his destiny.”

Table 7: Thomas Aquinas Quotes on Truth and Knowledge

# Quote
61 “Truth is the conformity of the intellect to reality.”Thomas Aquinas Quotes
62 “The truth of our faith becomes a matter of ridicule if unskilled persons present it poorly.”
63 “The ultimate end of all creatures is the enjoyment of God.”
64 “All knowledge is derived from the senses.”
65 “The mind is like an empty slate, inscribed with nothing.”
66 “The first thing that comes to be in the intellect is being.”
67 “Reason can lead us to the knowledge of God.”
68 “Truth is a relation between the intellect and reality.”
69 “The search for truth is more precious than its possession.”
70 “Understanding precedes love, and not the other way around.”

Table 8: Thomas Aquinas Quotes on God’s Will and Providence

# Quote
71 “God wills things to exist for the sake of his goodness.”Thomas Aquinas Quotes
72 “Providence directs everything in the world to its end.”
73 “God’s will is the cause of things.”
74 “The will of God is the first cause of all things.”
75 “Nothing can happen except what God wills.”
76 “Everything happens according to God’s divine plan.”
77 “God’s providence is in all things.”
78 “Divine providence governs the universe.”
79 “The ultimate purpose of everything is God’s glory.”
80 “God alone is the ultimate goal of all things.”

Table 9: Thomas Aquinas Quotes on Sin and Evil

# Quote
81 “Evil is nothing but the privation of good.”Thomas Aquinas Quotes
82 “Sin is a word, deed, or desire contrary to the eternal law.”
83 “No evil can exist except in a good thing.”
84 “God permits evil to exist in order to bring about a greater good.”
85 “The root of sin is the will’s aversion from God.”
86 “All sin is rooted in the disordered love for things.”
87 “Sin consists of turning away from the immutable good.”
88 “Evil is a departure from the proper way of living.”
89 “Sin weakens the will.”
90 “The greater the sin, the greater the harm it causes.”

Table 10: Thomas Aquinas Quotes on Virtue and Character

# Quote
91 “Virtue makes a man’s character.”Thomas Aquinas Quotes
92 “Good habits lead to good actions.”
93 “A virtuous man delights in what is good.”
94 “Humility is the path to greatness.”
95 “To practice virtue is to live rightly.”
96 “A virtuous life is a happy life.”
97 “Good character is built by small daily acts.”
98 “The foundation of a good life is virtue.”
99 “Virtue is formed by repeated actions.”
100 “Goodness is the goal of a virtuous life.”

Conclusion: The Lasting Impact of Thomas Aquinas

Thomas Aquinas’ thoughts on faith, reason, virtue, and the nature of God have shaped centuries of philosophical and theological thought. His teachings continue to influence modern discussions on morality, ethics, and the relationship between reason and belief.

These 100 quotes represent a small part of Aquinas’ vast intellectual legacy, but they highlight his most important ideas. His words encourage us to seek truth, live virtuously, and balance faith with reason in our daily lives.

For those seeking deeper understanding, Thomas Aquinas’ writings remain a treasure trove of wisdom, bridging the gap between ancient philosophy and modern faith


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